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Green Screen

Dec 21 2023
Atlantis Vertical Garden 03 topaz enhance 2

One of our horticulturalists Philip Davey sat down with SA Life magazine and spoke about his one true passion: Hedges. Here's what he had to say.

I recall while growing up, we had a huge backyard. It was like having my own personal playground where I could frolic, explore and imagine. It was my safe haven. I had no worries about anyone watching me or annoying me. I felt liberated and content. I used to imagine I was a superhero, pirate, detective or whatever came to mind at the time. I had heaps of fun playing with toys, my pets and imaginary friends. I would also build forts, dig holes and scale trees for fun. I'd lie down and stare at the clouds. I never lacked something fun and interesting to do

However, things have changed: neighbours are now closer to one another, and gardens are getting smaller. Finding a place to unwind and get some privacy is difficult. You constantly have the feeling that someone is listening in on your conversations or peeping over the fence. It's hectic and inconvenient.

My haven is in my garden. I go there to enjoy some peace and quiet and to get away from the bustle and noise of the outside world. Here I can read, practise meditation, take a nap, or just look up into the sky. The trick is to figure out how to blend in as much as possible to keep this area private.

I'm a passionate gardener and I adore hedges. They are living walls that can transform your yard into a serene haven; they are more than just plants. Lilly pilly, viburnum, and pittosporum are just a few of the plants you may choose from that are suited to your climate and soil. You can also create a variety of looks by using different hedge types, such as formal, informal, or fancy.

Although hedges do cost money and require maintenance, they are worth it in many ways—they improve air quality, draw in wildlife, and get plaudits. Hedges add cosiness and security to your home, which increases its value. They can offer shade, cooling, and the ability to block wind and noise. For a more laid-back appearance, hedges can be permitted to grow organically or pruned and shaped to your taste.

Everyone enjoys a little seclusion, but not everyone has the room or the patience to build a thick fence. What then is the remedy? What about a beautiful, tiny wall of greenery that makes a big impact? Yes, I am referring to vertical gardens. They are comparable to ordinary gardens but on steroids.

Growing plants on vertical surfaces, such as walls, fences, or structures, make vertical gardens the most inventive and creative choice. You have a variety of options when it comes to plant species, including succulents, herbs, veggies, and flowers, as well as systems, including pots, pockets, and modules. In terms of design, space efficiency, and environmental impact, vertical gardens are the most advantageous, but they are also the most expensive and difficult to install and manage.

Any dull, uninteresting place can be made lively and aesthetically pleasing with the use of vertical gardens. They can also have a natural cooling effect, lessen noise pollution, and enhance the quality of the air. For metropolitan settings with limited space and limited greenery, vertical gardens are perfect. In any indoor or outdoor space, they can also be utilised to create focal points, accent walls, and privacy screens. Careful planning, installation, and upkeep are necessary for vertical gardens to be long-lasting and healthy. They require sufficient amounts of light, water, and nutrients in addition to routine insect and pruning care. Vertical gardens are a long-term investment that improves the beauty, practicality, and sustainability of any area.

If you're into plants, you already know how great they can make your space and atmosphere seem. However, some of us lack the skills or the time required to take care of them. So how can you create a cosier and more attractive backyard? Adding decorative screening to your backyard is one method to make it seem more stylish. This is a creative idea to give your outdoor area some style and privacy. A variety of materials, including wood, metal, bamboo, or plastic, as well as techniques, such as trellis, slats, or lattices, are available for you to choose from. It is cost-effective and easy to maintain. It's something you can do on your own or have someone else do. And you only need to wipe it with a cloth or a hose every now and then. Decorative screening is very popular these days because there are 80 many choices and possibilities.

Additionally, decorative screening might help you create distinct areas in your garden for your kids or dogs to play, eat, or relax. You may let in some light and air while blocking out anything you don't want to see or hear. It can be hard to attain privacy in a garden, particularly if you live in a busy neighbourhood or have inquisitive neighbours. However, you can create a cosy and private hideaway in your outside area with some creative landscaping ideas. You can build a natural barrier that prevents unsightly views, enhances the beauty and value of your property, and blocks unpleasant views by adopting vertical gardens or hedging.

Furthermore, your backyard offers you access to wildlife, plants, and clean air. So don't let lack of privacy stop you from enjoying your outdoor living. Put these suggestions to use and turn your backyard into a personal haven.

For more great gardening advice, come and see one of our horticulturalists at your local garden centre (South Australia stores only) or give us a call on 1300 165 165.