Get Ready For Stratco National Patio Day
Saturday 5 December 2020
After great success in 2019, Stratco is partnering with Cancer Council for National Patio Day again in 2020. Participate to help raise awareness and vital funds to support Australians impacted by cancer.
Every year in Australia approximately 80% of newly diagnosed cancers are skin cancers, with the majority being caused by exposure to the sun. In 2019 Stratco raised over $250,000 for Cancer Council with the help of National Patio Day hosts, Stratco Authorised Dealers and in-store donations from customers.
Following the success of the inaugural National Patio Day, Australian sports icon, Dennis Cometti has come on board as the official ambassador for National Patio Day 2020. Like many of us, Dennis has his own experiences with cancer and understands the importance of working towards a cancer-free future creating a 'centimetre perfect' partnership.
Minimum $50 Donation With Every Patio Sold*
"Over many decades, Stratco Outback Patios have provided vital shade to hundreds of thousands of families so that they can enjoy our iconic Australian summer with friends and family in the comfort of their backyards." - Ben Miels, CEO of Stratco.
Stratco Patios are the perfect solution to help you enjoy outdoor living with an attractive and functional outdoor area, enhancing any home and lifestyle while providing protection from the sun. With the wide range of verandah, patio, carport and pergola solutions, there is a patio suited for everyone. Purchase your Stratco Patio now and have it in time to host your event for National Patio Day. In the meantime, Stratco will be donating a minimum of $50 for every patio sold until November 30*.
Request A Free Quote View The Patio Range
3 Ways To Win With National Patio Day 2020
1. Sign Up & Fundraise For Your $20 Voucher And You Could Win a $30,000 Stratco Home Stadium*
Summer is the ideal time to entertain, so celebrate the start of summer by hosting your own Stratco National Patio Day event. Help educate those around you on the importance of sun safety and raise funds for Cancer Council. Every $20 you raise provides an entry to win a $30,000 Stratco Home Stadium*. You will also receive a $20 voucher and a number of additional special offers when you sign up to host a National Patio Day event*.
2. Show Us Your Best Dennis To Win
As an Australian sports commentator, Dennis Cometti is known for his famous one-liners with great wit and brilliant quick thinking. Show Us Your Best Dennis by commentating your favourite backyard activity like Dennis to win. Here are some of our favourite one-liners from Dennis to inspire you:
- "Centimetre perfect"
- He "went into that last pack optimistically and came out misty optically"
- "So it’s back to the old drawing board. Obviously a luxury that the guy who invented the drawing board didn’t have",
- "There is something magnetic about his aura. He should be covered in fridge magnets."
Show us your best Dennis on either Facebook or Instagram to win:
- First Prize: Vuly Ultra M Trampoline valued at $1,050
- Second Prize: Beefeater BUGG BBQ valued at $700
- Third Prize: National Patio Day Pop Up Patio
- We will also give away one $50 Stratco voucher for the best entry each fortnight.
How to enter:
You can enter on either Facebook or Instagram.
Facebook – By posting on the Entrant’s Facebook Page, tagging the Stratco Facebook page (@stratco) in an unrestricted public post. The Entrant’s Facebook account privacy must be set to public and not private.; or
Instagram – By posting on the Entrant’s Instagram Page and including #nationalpatioday in an unrestricted public post. The Entrant’s Instagram account privacy must be set to public and not private.
3. Share Your Celebrations To Win On National Patio Day
There will be a number of prizes given away to those who share their National Patio Day celebrations with us via social media on Saturday, December 5, 2020. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more information.
More Information
For more information, or to register visit nationalpatioday.com.au or call 1300 65 65 85 to receive your free National Patio Day host kit.