A Difficult Patio Job Made Simple With Stratco & Budget Built Home Additions
When Stratco Authorised Outback® Dealer Budget Built Home Additions was approached by customers from an apartment block on Pirie Street, Adelaide, they were presented with a unique job. The customers wanted to have Stratco Outback Patios® installed to help complement their outdoor living spaces. Whilst this sounds like a standard job for an Authorised Outback Dealer, this particular job was different. These customers were all situated on the top storey of their apartment block and wanted Outback Patios® on the rooftops. What would normally be a simple install turned into a difficult job with the patios needing to be lifted 10 storeys to the rooftop of the apartment block.
Craning In The Patio Components
The situation - components, parts and equipment all needed to be delivered to the rooftops so that Budget Built could install the patios.
The solution - Stratco and Budget Built worked together to liase with crane company Morgan's Cranes to deliver all the required components, parts and equipment.
Installing The Patios In Winter Weather
One more difficulty arose on the morning of the crane delivery - the weather. Early morning showers hampered the delivery only slightly, with the crew at Morgan's Cranes able to work through the wet conditions safely and continue the delivery to the top storey apartments in time. The weather cleared as the morning went on, and with no issues, all items were placed safely on the respective rooftop entertaining areas so the team at Budget Built could make a start with the Outback Patio® installations.
The Patio Delivery And The Results
Check out the delivery via crane and the results in the video below:
Difficult Patio Installs Are No Problems With Stratco HowTo
Stratco and our accredited network of Authorised Outback Dealers can help you with all the HowTo you need for your patio, shed, roof or fence project - whether it's a simple job or something a bit more difficult. We have the solutions, HowTo, and customisation options available to cater to your needs.
Give us a call on 1300 165 165 or pay us a visit at your nearest store. Already know what you’re after? Fill out the form below and obtain an obligation-free quote today!
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