Purchase your Stratco Patio now and have it in time to host your own event for National Patio Day.
This is your LAST CHANCE to get your Stratco Patio in time for National Patio Day on Saturday 5 December, 2020. National Patio Day is your opportunity to celebrate the start of summer and your favourite backyard activities with family, friends, and loved ones under the shade of your Stratco Patio.
Register online at nationalpatioday.com.au to host your event under a patio on National Patio Day and celebrate the first Saturday of summer with your family and friends, while also making a difference to those impacted by cancer.
While COVID-19 is presenting many challenges, people are spending a lot more time in their homes and back yards. People need a safe and enjoyable home environment now more than ever. People are installing home gyms, offices, sheds and garages to make the most of the space they have. This is pres
Not sure what to cook for National Patio Day? Here are some ideas for the Beefeater Bugg BBQ. Small in size but big on heat with twin burners the Beefeater Bugg is the perfect versatile barbeque.
Easter Project Ideas
Three Easter project ideas to get you out in the garden.